Weekend before easter

10:00 a. m.

"Best friends fit better than anything else"

¡Hola a todos! Ya se que han pasado unas semanas desde entonces, pero el fin de semana que da entrada a Semana Santa fui con Rita y Minerva a Arca a pasar un par de días. Íbamos a ir de Sábado a Domingo, pero luego nos dimos cuenta de que era el Día del Padre y que tendríamos que volvernos ese día. Fuimos de Viernes a Sábado. El Viernes lo único que hicimos fue estar al calorcito en casa, con unas cervezas y muchas, muchas, muchas risas. Teníamos pensado madrugar el Sábado, pero al final, nos despertamos al medio día (qué raro...). Desayunamos, nos duchamos (en agua congelada) y nos arreglamos para aprovechar que aún había unos rayitos de sol entre las nubes que susurraban tormenta. La verdad es que tuvimos mucha suerte para las fotos, porque poco después de volver a casa estuvo lloviendo el resto de la tarde.  Fue un día genial, de esos de hacer el tonto y de dejarte llevar.
Espero que os gusten mucho las fotos ¡Hasta pronto!

Hello everyone! I know that some weeks have gone by since then but, the weekend that welcomed Spring Break I went with Rita and Minerva to Arca to spend a couple of days together. We were going to go from Saturday to Sunday, but then we realised that it was going to be Fatherś Day on SUnday and that we would have to come back that same day. So, we went from Friday to Saturday. On Friday we just stayed home to be warm with a few beers and plenty, plenty of laughs. We were thinking about waking up early, but we ended up waking up around noon (so strange on us...). We had breakfast, took a shower (with frozen water) and we got ready to take advantage of the little bit of sun that the weather offered us in between the clouds that were whispering that a storm was coming. The truth is that we were really lucky for the pictures because, a little bit after we arrived home, it began to rain the rest of the day. It was a great day, one of those were you just act silly and you let yourself go.
I hope you really enjoy the pictures! See you later!

Camiseta de Mango
Pantalones de Mango
Abrigo de Mango

Vestido de Mango

Mono de Zara
Reloj de Daniel Wellington

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